Credit Card Decline Codes: A Comprehensive Guide for Merchants

Credit card decline codes occur when a transaction cannot be completed for various reasons. These reasons may range from technical issues at the issuing bank to insufficient funds on the customer’s card.
Read on to learn more about credit card decline codes, the most common ones, and ways to resolve them.
When Do Credit Card Decline Codes Occur?
Simply put, these codes arise when a payment cannot be processed. The decline of a transaction can stem from various sources, such as the processor, the payment gateway, or, most commonly, the issuing bank. Each decline code has a specific cause, and you, as the merchant, will observe the associated issuer decline code that clarifies the reason (often accompanied by an error message linked to the code).
These codes are assigned to transactions by the processing system, and a brief, pertinent explanation for each is displayed on your Shift4 dashboard profile.
Soft And Hard Decline Types
There are two types of credit card declines: soft and hard.
Soft declines happen when the card issuer approves the payment, but there’s an additional issue with the transaction. Typically, attempting the transaction again resolves the problem.
Contrarily, the hard decline occurs when the issuing bank doesn’t authorize the payment. In such cases, the appropriate action for the customer is to contact their bank to rectify the problem.
Since code 05 is the most frequent, it’s advisable to familiarize oneself with its specifics before delving into the rest.
Why Do I See The 05 Code And What Does It Mean?
Based on our internal assessments, merchants frequently encounter code 05, one of the most prevalent decline codes. The code 05 decline is accompanied by a “Do Not Honor” message from the issuer, which explains blocked transactions.
If the issuer blocks the transaction using the 05 response, our options are limited, as this code signifies a firm decline.
What actions can be taken regarding the code 05? We suggest contacting your customer and urging them to communicate with their bank to understand the reason behind the declined card.
From the merchant’s viewpoint, waiting for 24 hours before attempting to process the payment again is recommended. This precaution helps avoid potential issues with future disputes or chargebacks.
Understanding Decline Codes
It’s beneficial to acquaint yourself with the rationales underlying each code to enhance your process management.
Specific reasons are sufficiently evident and lack ambiguity, being simple to elucidate to your customers. On the other hand, some reasons might have multiple interpretations, but the customer’s bank is always privy to the precise cause.
The following table provides the prevalent error codes, their explanations, and suggested courses of action.
Nevertheless, it’s essential to acknowledge that standardized error codes do not exist, resulting in variations between gateways. Due to this, we advise consistently adhering to the provided error message.
Code number | Reason | Explanation |
00 | Transaction Approved Successfully | The transaction is approved and completed successfully. |
01 | Refer To Card Issuer | The issuer refuses the transaction, so the cardholder should contact the issuing bank to clarify the situation. You can suggest that a cardholder use another card or try again paying with the refused one after resolving the issue with their bank. |
03 | Invalid Merchant Number | This error indicates that the entered details are incorrect or your merchant facility is non-functional. |
04 | Pick-Up Card | The transaction is declined by the issuing bank that requested to retain the card as it could be reported as lost or stolen. Ask the customer to use another card or contact their bank to resolve the issue. |
05 | Do Not Honor | The issuing bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. Ask the customer for another card to complete the transaction, or ask them to contact the bank for more details. |
06 | Error | When the code occurs for a one-time transaction, don’t run the card again or provide more goods or services to the cardholder. Ensure the card wasn’t incorrectly flagged as fraudulent for recurring or scheduled transactions. Ask customers to contact their bank or update their payment details with a new card. |
07 | Pick Up Card, Special Condition | The transaction is declined, and the customer’s card should be retained. This could be due to the card being reported lost or stolen. |
10 | Partial Approval | Certain card issuers allow for partial approval authorization, which authorizes a portion of the requested transaction, while the remaining amount needs to be covered using an alternative payment method. |
12 | Invalid Transaction | An error occurred while processing the card. Make sure that payments are correctly configured. |
13 | Invalid Amount | Double check what is entered and ensure it wasn’t negative or included incorrect symbols. |
14 | Invalid Card Number | The card issuing bank has declined the transaction because of an incorrectly entered credit card number or a number that doesn’t exist. Double-check the card details and try processing again. |
15 | No Issuer | The customer’s card issuer doesn’t exist. Double-check the card number and try processing the transaction again. The card number should start with 3 (AMEX), 4 (Visa), 5 (MasterCard), or 6 (Discover). |
19 | Re-enter Transaction | Applies for Visa. The processing of the transaction is temporarily unavailable. |
22 | Suspected Malfunction | The issuing bank is not responding during the transaction. The cardholder should check the card information and try processing it again. |
30 | Format Error | Double check the setup on your merchant account, as it may be incorrect. |
31 | Bank Not Supported By Switch | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction because it doesn’t allow using the card for mail/telephone, fax, email or internet orders. The error usually comes with the Discover card, so the customer should use a separate card. Ask the cardholder to contact their bank if a Discover card wasn’t used. |
34 | Suspected Fraud, Retain Card | The transaction is declined by the issuing bank as there is suspected fraud on this credit card number. Monitor subsequent transactions to check for fraudulent transactions on alternate cards. If there are multiple fraudulent transactions, please contact us. |
41 | Lost Card | The issuing bank declined the transaction as the card owner reported it lost or stolen. In this case, don’t retry the transaction or provide any goods or services to the cardholder. Validate the customer authenticity and refer the cardholder to the issuer. |
42 | No Universal Account | The transaction is declined by the issuing bank as the account type is invalid for this card number. Ask the customer to use a separate card or to contact their bank. |
43 | Stolen Card | The issuing bank has declined the transaction as the credit card owner has reported this card as stolen. Don’t try the transaction again; stop providing any goods or services to the customer, and report the transaction attempt to the relevant issuing bank. |
46 | Closed Account | The transaction was declined by the customer’s bank because of account closure or validation problems. The cardholder should contact the bank that issued the card to resolve the validation issue. |
51 | Insufficient Funds | The transaction is denied by the issuing bank as there aren’t enough funds in the associated bank account to complete this payment, or the transaction will put the customer’s credit card over the limit. Request a different card from a customer or ask them to contact their issuing bank. |
54 | Expired Card | The card is expired and no longer valid to use. Ask a customer to correct or switch the card. |
55 | Invalid PIN | The customer has provided an incorrect PIN. The customer should either input the correct PIN or opt for an alternative payment method. |
56 | No Card Record | The issuer declined the transaction, as the credit card number doesn’t exist. The customer should use a separate credit card. |
57 | Function Not Permitted To Cardholder | The issuing bank has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction. Ask the customer to use another card or contact their bank. When the bank confirms it will process correctly, attempt the transaction again. |
58 | Function Not Permitted To Terminal | The code appears when the card cannot be used for this type of transaction or when the merchant processing account is not properly configured. The response usually appears when test cards are used on the live gateway. |
59 | Suspected Fraud | The issuer declined the transaction because it appears fraudulent. Monitor all the transactions processed after the error occurred. |
61 | Exceeds Withdrawal Limit | The transaction amount exceeds the withdrawal limit set by the card issuer. |
62 | Restricted Card | The card is invalid in a certain region or country, or the customer tried to pay online with a card that doesn’t support online payments. |
63 | Security Violation | The issuing bank has detected a security concern with this card. The customer has the option to choose a different payment method. Alternatively, they can attempt the transaction again once they have resolved the matter with their bank. |
65 | Activity Limit Exceeded | The card has reached its activity limit, and the transaction is declined. |
67 | Capture Card | The transaction is declined by the issuing bank because the card is suspected to be counterfeit. The customer’s card issuer has requested that your customer’s credit card is retained by you. Ask the customer to use a different card or to contact their bank. |
70 | PIN Data Required | Applies for Visa. The issuing bank is asking for Secure Customer Authentication to be used. The transaction should be retried with a PIN. (Applicable to European Region only) |
75 | Allowable Number of PIN Tries Exceeded | The customer has exceeded the maximum number of incorrect PIN attempts set by the issuing bank. The customer can make another attempt or opt for a different payment method. |
78 | No Account | The account associated with the card number does not exist. |
79 | Life Cycle | Specific to Mastercard transactions, the refusal of the transaction is attributed to incorrect card information. |
80 | Invalid Date | The card expiration date provided is invalid |
82 | CVV/CID/CVC Check Failed | The transaction was declined because the customer-provided CVV/CID/CVC number does not match the one on file with the card issuer. The customer should double-check the CVV/CID/CVC number and try again. |
83 | Fraud/Security | This pertains to Mastercard transactions. The reason for the transaction denial is the card issuer’s suspicion of potential fraud associated with this payment. |
86 | Cannot Verify PIN | This is specific to Visa transactions. The validation of the PIN cannot be confirmed. If relevant, you can try the transaction again without using a PIN. |
91 | Card Issuer Unavailable | There was a problem contacting the issuing bank to authorize the transaction. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again. If the problem persists, the cardholder should contact their bank. |
92 | Unable to Route Transaction | The customer’s card can’t be found for routing, and the code is mostly used for a test credit card number. The cardholder should try to complete a transaction again. |
93 | Transaction Cannot be Completed; Violation of Law | The issuing bank will not allow this transaction. The customer should use another payment method. |
96 | System Malfunction | The issuing bank cannot be contacted. The customer should retry or use another payment method. |
1A | Authentication Required | The code applies to Visa. Authentication is required for the transaction. If the transaction isn’t in the scope of PSD2 and didn’t go through 3D Secure, the customer should retry with 3DS. This is also referred to as a “Soft Decline.” |
6P | Customer ID Verification Failed | The code applies to Visa. Incorrect account verification (for example, driving license number) related to Visa Direct. Not to be confused with cardholder verification method refusals such as CVV. |
N4 | Exceeds Issuer Withdrawal Limit | The transaction amount exceeds the withdrawal limit set by the card issuer. |
N7 | Decline for CVV2 Failure | The CVV2 code provided by the customer does not match the one on file with the card issuer. |
P1 | Issuer Not Available | The card issuer is temporarily unavailable, and the transaction cannot be authorized at this time. |
R0 | Stop Payment Order | The code applies to Visa. The cardholder requested to stop a specific, single recurring payment transaction. Contact the customer regarding the cancellation of this transaction. |
R1 | Revocation of Authorization Order | The code applies to Visa. The cardholder requested to stop all recurring payment transactions. Contact the customer regarding the cancellation of all transactions. |
R3 | Revocation of all Authorization Orders | The code applies to Visa. All recurring payments have been canceled for the requested card number. Contact the customer regarding the cancellation of all transactions. |
Z1 | Offline-Declined | Applies to Visa transactions. This is solely utilized for non-cardholder requests, such as providing advice. |
Z3 | Unable to Go Online; Offline-Declined | The code applies to Visa. Only used in non-cardholder requests such as advice. |
American Express Most Common Responses for Refused or Canceled Transactions
Code number | Reason | Explanation |
000 | Approved | The transaction was canceled after being initially approved by the issuer. This can be due to various reasons (for example – the customer returns goods after purchase). |
001 | Approve with ID | The transaction was canceled after the issuer requested that identification be established through telephone contact between the acquiring center’s authorizer and the merchant. |
002 | Prepaid Card Partial Authorization | Transaction was canceled. Some card issuers support partial-approval authorization. This approves a part of the requested transaction, leaving the remainder to be paid with another payment method. |
100 | Deny | This is a generic refusal that can have several possible reasons. The customer should contact their issuing bank for clarification. |
101 | Expired Card / Invalid Expiration Date | The card expiration date is in the past. The customer should correct the date or use another payment method. |
106 | PIN tries exceeded | The customer has entered an incorrect PIN more times than is allowed by the issuing bank. The customer should retry or use another payment method. |
109 | Invalid Service Establishment | The card issuer refused the transaction. The customer should contact their bank for clarification. The customer can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method. |
110 | Invalid Amount | The transaction amount was specified in an invalid format. For example, an invalid character, such as a dollar sign or a space, was used. The customer should correct or use another payment method. |
111 | Invalid Account | The card issuer cannot validate the card/account number, possibly because an invalid character was used. |
115 | Requested Function not Supported | The card issuer doesn’t allow this type of transaction on this card/account. |
117 | Incorrect PIN | The customer entered an invalid PIN. The customer should retry or use another payment method. |
119 | Transaction Not Permitted PIN | The card issuer doesn’t permit the transaction on this card/account. The customer can use another payment method. |
122 | Invalid Keyed Printed Card Security Code (PCSC) | The card issuer has identified a security concern with this card. The shopper has the option to utilize an alternative payment method. Alternatively, the shopper can attempt the transaction again after addressing the matter with their bank. |
125 | Additional Customer Identification Required | The expiration date of the card provided is in an invalid date format. The shopper should rectify this or opt for an alternative payment method. |
130 | Invalid Effective Date on Card | Authentication is required for the transaction. If the transaction is in the scope of PSD2 and did not go through 3D Secure, retry with 3DS. This is also referred to as a “soft decline.” |
181 | Format Error | The card issuer doesn’t recognize the transaction details being entered. This is due to a format error. The customer should check the transaction information and retry. |
183 | Invalid Currency Code | The currency code provided doesn't comply with standards. |
187 | Deny New Card Issued | The card issuer supplied the cardholder with a new card. The customer should retry with the new card or use another payment method. |
200 | Deny Pick Up Card | The card issuer asks for the card to be kept. This might be due to suspicion of a counterfeit or stolen card. |
900 | Advice Accepted | The ExpressPay issuer cannot provide a response to an ATC Synchronization Authorization Request. |
911 | Card Issuer Timed Out | The issuing bank cannot be contacted. The customer should retry or use another payment method. |
912 | Host Unavailable | The issuing bank cannot be contacted.The customer should retry or use another payment method. |
D2 | Invalid Service Code, Restricted | The service code on the card does not allow the requested transaction. |
D4 | Invalid Transaction | The transaction requested is not allowed for this card. |
Please note that these codes may vary slightly depending on the payment processor, region, and financial institution. It’s crucial for merchants to be aware of these codes to manage and troubleshoot online payment transactions effectively.
Keep Customers Informed
As evident, there are multiple reasons for credit card transactions being rejected. However, it’s essential to understand these reasons to explain them to your customers effectively.
Decline codes can be easily understood or require direct communication with the bank to determine the underlying cause. It’s important to be ready for these situations by familiarizing yourself with the common decline codes and potential associated issues. This will help you better explain the decline to customers.
These include:
- Expired card or incorrect card number
- Card declines based on geographical location
- Insufficient funds in the card
- Cards exceeding their limit
- The bank’s fraud system prevents the transaction
When customers face problems with their card payments, it’s essential to remember that they may react differently. Some may try using a different card or payment method, while others might contact their bank for assistance. It’s also possible that some customers may decide to cancel their order or seek out a different online retailer.
Plus, it’s essential to understand that when a transaction is declined, it can affect your business’s financial performance and your relationship with customers who may hold you responsible.
Also, repeated attempts on the same payment method can overstate their decline ratio. Hence, we recommend implementing our retry logic for subscription payments.
A reliable payment platform can be of great help!